Sunday, 15 November 2009

knives used in bushcraft ????

Bushcraft knives and their choice .....
Choosing a bushcraft knife is a personal and often costly experience but with a little honest guidance you can get a tool that will give you years of service and enjoyment.
like all little boys i had a penknife (my mum hated that) a small folding type knife but for serious bushcraft a full tang fixed blade knife is a must. Having been a victim of poor knife choice in the past i have come to hate buying a new one but i am constantly upgrading to the point that i now have designed and had hand-made by a professional knife maker my own knife as in the picture above (the small one with antler handle) so i get the knife that i want.
but to start off in bushcraft you wont want to spend lots of money on a knife so a good start would be a Frosts Mora at around £8 its a good knife that far out performs more expensive mass produced knifes. If you are serious about your bushcraft i would opt for a hand made tool-steel blade with a flat scandi grind and avoid at all costs survival knives with hollow handles and if at all get a full tang knife if you cant decide on what knife to buy do not ask the person selling the knife ask a person who uses a knife....
if you have any questions just drop me an e-mail and i will try my best to help you out !!!